Schimmel There are 2 products.

New and used pianos Schimmel

A well-known piano manufacturer, Schimmel is one of the most popular European piano brands in the world.

Schimmel is currently the leading German manufacturer of acoustic pianos (upright pianos and grand pianos).

It was in the years 1885 that the adventure began Schimmel, with the very first piano built by Wilhelm Schimmel in a small workshop in Leipzig, Germany.

History of the piano  brandSchimmel

Founded by Wilhelm Schimmel on 2 May 1885 in Lepzig, the German company quickly gained popularity thanks to intelligent and innovative construction. The modern manufacturing processes used by the genius of the Schimmel family ensure an unbeatable quality/price ratio that will immediately seduce pianists.

Today, four generations later, the name Schimmel on pianos "Made in Brunsweig, Germany" and enjoys worldwide recognition.

 The range of pianos Schimmel :

  • Konzert: upright speeches and high-end grand pianos: K122, K132, K256, K280...
  • Classic : classical range of upright pianos and grand pianos: C116, C121, C130, C213...
  • Wilhelm : upright pianos and entry-level grand pianos : W114, W121, W180, W206...
  • Fridolin: pianos manufactured by the Chinese company Pearl River on behalf of Schimmel : F116, F121, F130...
  • Meisterstücke : exceptional pianos with a unique character: Art Nouveau, Belle Epoque, Empire...
  • Art Collection: art collection in partnership with artists 

Official website of Schimmel pianos: WWW.SCHIMMEL-PIANOS.DE

Pianos Schimmel : for whom?

New or used Schimmel pianos are sought after worldwide for several reasons: 

  • Exemplary manufacturing quality (choice of materials, skilled craftsmen and place of manufacture)
  • A wide range of instruments (study pianos, expression pianos, grand pianos)
  • Instruments fit for performance
  • A typical European romantic stamp
  • The prestige of the German firm
  • Reliability over time

Beginners and experienced pianists will appreciate these instruments made with know-how and passion for nearly 140 years.

Find all our pianos from the manufacturer Schimmel

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