Pianos Eco-responsible Commitments Schaeffer


As holder of the Eco-Challenges Label, we have undertaken several actions in the following areas:

  1. Waste management
  2. Water saving
  3. Energy Saving
  4. Use of Eco-products
  5. Sustainable mobility
  6. Indoor air quality
  7. Sensitization
  8. Accessibility

We are aware of our ecological impact and want to reduce it. Here are some pragmatic examples that we apply:

Human relations

In accordance with current regulations and international labour standards, we ensure strict compliance with all mandatory occupational health and safety measures. This includes implementing rigorous safety procedures, providing the right personal protective equipment for each task, as well as regularly training our employees on safety best practices.

In addition, we are committed to ensuring equal opportunities and respect for the fundamental rights of all our employees. Our non-discrimination policy prohibits any form of discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic protected by law.

We also ensure fair working conditions, including fair remuneration and working hours in accordance with applicable legislation.

As a socially responsible company, we actively encourage dialogue and collaboration with our employees to promote an inclusive and respectful work environment.

Commercial Services

  • As soon as possible, we offer digital or acoustic piano repair (restoration of old pianos in particular). Invoiced and refundable quote.
  • The principle of monthly rental allows our customers to benefit from the use of a quality piano and to return it to us as soon as the need changes. Thus, an unsuitable piano does not sleep in a home.
  • We maintain all types of pianos at home, so the oldest ones are 120 years old (and doing well, thank you).
  • As long as a piano is tunable and does not have any major defects, we extend its life (replacement of wear parts,...) in order to offer it a future in our rental fleet, our showroom or with an association.

Commercial Products

  • In each of our stores, we offer second-hand pianos: digital and acoustic, all serviced and guaranteed for long-term use.
  • When a digital piano is downgraded (lease return or buyback) because it is old-fashioned but 100% functional (because we select quality models), we offer it to an association. For example, a dozen pianos have been shipped to Africa for the creation of a music school.

Care products

  • We favor the purchase of ecological supplies (without toxic substances or ecologically manufactured) for all our consumables and office purchases.
  • We do not use any toxic substances for the maintenance of our green spaces.

Green space management

  • We systematically display our natural spaces, with endemic trees and plants or plants adapted to the new local climate, favouring local nurserymen and organic plants.
  • We favor the choice of plants that are beneficial to animals.
  • We maintain our green spaces and surroundings with a strict policy: no pesticides and no chemical fertilizers.

Waste management

  • Organic and plant waste put in company composters 
  • Metal waste entrusted to a local scrap dealer
  • Waste from our workshops and stores: sorted and recycled, either in a professional waste collection centre (Haganis) or by collective collection.

Transportation Management

  • All our company vehicles (including steering vehicles) are economical and have a size adapted to their use. We favour the purchase of used vehicles and not leases renewed annually, for example. We carefully maintain our fleet in qualified garages.
  • Our transport routes have a geographical coherence in order to limit the impact of the truck that will deliver the instruments to our customers. In the event of national or European deliveries, we call on companies specialising in the transport of long-distance pianos in order to use groupage.
  • As long as 2 people travel to the same destination, carpooling is the rule in our company.
  • Our Technicians have work rounds taking into account their respective homes in order to limit travel.

Energy management

  • Our stores are all equipped with energy-saving lamps and our outdoor lights are switched off from 8 p.m.
  • We have subscribed to a 100% green energy contract for our Luxembourg store.

Sobriety machine park

  • Our computer (computers and printers) and telephone equipment is exclusively made up of purchased devices (and not leased renewed annually, for example) in order to extend their lifespan to the maximum. When our equipment malfunctions, we repair it before thinking about replacing it.
  • Our coffee machines do not use hard-shell pods (plastic or aluminum) and we are replacing our fleet with grinder machines in order to tend towards an even more moderate impact.

Ethical and Responsible Commitment

We believe in corporate social and environmental responsibility. We are strongly committed to ethical and sustainable business practices in everything we do. This commitment is reflected in our adamant refusal to support companies like Amazon, whose business practices are not aligned with our core values.

We refuse to order from Amazon because of its polluting practices, unfair treatment of its employees, and tax evasion strategies. We believe it is our duty as a responsible company to support business practices that respect the environment, workers' rights and contribute fairly to society.

By choosing Pianos Schaeffer Sarl, you support ethical and responsible trade. We are committed to providing quality products and services while adhering to the highest standards of business ethics, sustainability and social responsibility.

Together, we can create a better future for our planet and future generations.