La série NOMOS marie avec réussite l'artisanat allemand traditionnel et la technologie de pointe.
Grâce à des composants allemands fabriqués et assemblés à la main, combinés avec des procédés industrialisés efficaces, le résultat est le piano Steinberg Nomos AC 123.
Sa belle hauteur sous clavier, permet aux pianistes les plus grands d'être à l'aise. Sa dimension (1m23, piano d'expression) permet d'exprimer toute la force d'un jeu (fortissimo) et accorde au pianiste une palette de nuances.
Les objectifs du fabricant sont de produire le meilleur son possible, tout en ciblant un tarif final contenu. Ce qui est unanimement reconnu comme une réussite.
Mécanique sélectionnée
Marteaux de première classe de marque Renner
Cordes allemandes de premier choix.
Cordes basses filées à la main.
Table d'harmonie STRUNZ
Fabrication allemande
Présentation du Piano STEINBERG 123:
Existe en blanc brillant, visserie et charnières soit en Laiton, soit en Chrome (modèle présenté). Attention, les prix varient en fonction du coloris et des finitions choisis. Merci de nous consulter pour une demande spécifique.
Chaque piano est préparé en atelier avant la livraison. Nos techniciens prennent soin d'apporter à votre piano tous les réglages nécessaires, afin de répondre aux exigences des pianistes (professionnels ou amateurs)
Tout est fait pour que le plaisir et la satisfaction de nos clients soient comblés.
Notre offre avec Pack Sérénité inclut :
+ Préparation par nos Techniciens
+ Transport et Installation par des Spécialistes en Lorraine et au Luxembourg
Upright piano Feurich 122 Universal new
The Feurich 122 Universal is the brand's bestseller ! Already twice this model has received the prestigious "Diapason d'Or", rewarding it as the best piano in its category.
Feurich mechanics and quality...
A high-class expressive piano...
Produced in the Czech Republic since 1864, the PETROF instruments reveal a round and romantic timbre, in the purest European tradition.
Part of PETROF's Prestige series, the P131 M1 is a superb piano with...
Presentation of the Cattenom School of Music:The Music School of Cattenom invites everyone to come and practice music in all its forms: instruments, singing, individual or group lessons, musical awakening from 5 years old ... Music for...
Grotrian-Steinweg, where German excellence rhymes with attention to detail!
For 1835 and six generations, the German manufacturer GROTRIAN-STEINWEG has been producing pianos by continuously innovating in technology, manufacturing processes and...
Standard size case, in stitched black imitation leather material for grand piano (161cm in length). Soft velvet cover interior of black color also, so as not to scratch the instrument. It covers all the visible parts of your piano (lacquered or...
Booster seat for acoustic piano
This pedal booster is ideal for pianists who do not reach the piano pedals.
This pedalboard is adjustable in height, it adapts to upright and grand pianos.
Ideal for children aged 6-10 who do not reach the pedals...
New German upright piano Steinway K132
The K132 upright piano is one of two prestige upright piano models from Steinway & Sons.
Handcrafted since 1853, Steinway & Sons pianos benefit from all the know-how of the German firm, for an...
Digital piano furniture Roland new HP-704
Specialist in electronic musical instruments since 1972, the Japanese firm Roland has a wide range of digital pianos for all budgets.
The HP-704 brings premium piano style and performance to your home. A...
Upright piano Feurich 122 Universal new
The Feurich 122 Universal is the brand's bestseller ! Already twice this model has received the prestigious "Diapason d'Or", rewarding it as the best piano in its category.
Feurich mechanics and quality...
A high-class expressive piano...
Produced in the Czech Republic since 1864, the PETROF instruments reveal a round and romantic timbre, in the purest European tradition.
Part of PETROF's Prestige series, the P131 M1 is a superb piano with...
Presentation of the Cattenom School of Music:The Music School of Cattenom invites everyone to come and practice music in all its forms: instruments, singing, individual or group lessons, musical awakening from 5 years old ... Music for...
Grotrian-Steinweg, where German excellence rhymes with attention to detail!
For 1835 and six generations, the German manufacturer GROTRIAN-STEINWEG has been producing pianos by continuously innovating in technology, manufacturing processes and...
Standard size case, in stitched black imitation leather material for grand piano (161cm in length). Soft velvet cover interior of black color also, so as not to scratch the instrument. It covers all the visible parts of your piano (lacquered or...
Booster seat for acoustic piano
This pedal booster is ideal for pianists who do not reach the piano pedals.
This pedalboard is adjustable in height, it adapts to upright and grand pianos.
Ideal for children aged 6-10 who do not reach the pedals...
New German upright piano Steinway K132
The K132 upright piano is one of two prestige upright piano models from Steinway & Sons.
Handcrafted since 1853, Steinway & Sons pianos benefit from all the know-how of the German firm, for an...
Digital piano furniture Roland new HP-704
Specialist in electronic musical instruments since 1972, the Japanese firm Roland has a wide range of digital pianos for all budgets.
The HP-704 brings premium piano style and performance to your home. A...